Antique & Vintage Schematics 1920s through 1960s
Radios, Phonographs, Record Changers, Amplifiers, PA, Tube Audio, and more! High Resolution, Printable Schematics
USA and
Canadian Schematics
Radio schematics for the U.S. and Canadian manufacturers and brands listed below are published service data from vintage sources*.
Each schematic is individually digitized in high resolution to provide the clearest possible scan in a downloadable, printable, Adobe PDF file.
Early model schematics are usually 1 or 2 pages. Many of the later (after WWII) models listed below contain additional service information, diagrams, chassis photos, etc.
and may be several pages.
It normally takes up to 24 hours to receive the download instructions via email but please allow 1 - 2 business days.
I now stock over 500,000 schematics and service manuals. Schematic downloads (pre 1970s) are available for radios, tape recorders, record players, PA amplifiers, and more from many service sources.
I also stock vintage tube amplifier schematics and Photofact service manuals from 1946 through 1963 available via download, and original Photofacts from 1946 through 1970 via US Mail.
If models for any manufacturer below are not listed yet contact me for availability.
Click on a manufacturer below to view radio schematics available.
E E. H. Scott Radio
Eckstein Edison Edison Bell
Electric & Automotive
Electric AutoLite
Electric Specialties
Electrical Research Labs
Electro-Accoustic Electrohome
Electronic Corp
Electronic Laboratories
El-Rey Radio Emerson
Empire Designing
Empire Electrical
Esquire Eveready
Nash-Kelvinator Nash - Philco
Nash (Zenith)
Nassau Radio
National Accoustical Products National Carbon Co. National Company
National Cooperatives Inc
National Tranformer Co.
National Union Radio Corp.
Newcomb Noblitt-Sparks
Norco Mfg. Co.
Norden-Hauck Inc.
Northeastern Engineering Inc. (Electone) Northern Electric
Northern Radio Co.
Oak Manufacturing Co. Oldsmobile (United Motors) Oldsmobile Division General Motors Olympic
Olympic Radio & Telev. Inc.
Operadio Corp.
Ozarka Inc.
P. R. Mallory & Co. (Elxon)
Pacent Engineering Corp.
Pacent Reproducer Corp.
Pacific Radio Exchange Packard (Philco) Packard Bell Co.
Packard Motor Car Co. Packard Radio Co.
Panasonic Panatrope (Brunswick)
Paramount Radio Co.
Parker McCrory Mfg. Co. (Parmak)
Patterson Radio Co.
Perfectone Inc.
Peter Pan Radio Co. Philco (USA) Philco Predicta TVs Philco of Canada
Phillips (Canada)
Phillips Petroleum Co. (Woolaroc) Phonola (Canada)
Pierce Arrow - Philco
Pierson - De Lane Co.
Pilgrim Electric Corp. Pilot Radio & Tube Corp.
Plaze Music Co. Plymouth (Chrysler)
Plymouth-Philco Point of Purchase Pontiac (United Motors) Pontiac Division General Motors
Porto Products Inc.
Port-O-Matic Corp.
Porto-Server Inc. (Portoradio)
Precision Radio Products Mfg. Co. Predicta Televisions
Privat-Ear Corp.
Promenette Radio & TV Corp.
Pure Oil Corp. (Puritan)
Purotone Radio Corp.
R. K. Radio Laboratories Inc (Arkay) R.C.A. Victor Co. Inc. (RCA) R.C.A. Victor (Canada)
R.E. Lacault
Radiart Laboratories
Radio & Telev. Products Co.
Radio & TV Inc.
Radio Chassis Inc.
Radio Circular Co. (Ace)
Radio Craftsmen Inc.
Radio Development & Research Corp.
Radio Displays Co.
Radio Electric Service Co.
Radio Engineering Labs. Inc.
Radio Kits Inc.
Radio Mfg. Engineers Inc.
Radio Product Sales Co. (Clipper) Radio Products Co. (Dayrad) Radio Products Corp. (Air Castle)
Radio Receptor Co. Radio Shack-Realistic
Radio Vision Corp.
Radio Wire Television
Radio Wire Television (Lafayette)
Radiobar Company of America
Radionic Equipment Co. (Chancellor) Radiotrope Radolek
Rauland Corp. (Lyric)
Ray-Energy Radio & TV Corp. Raytheon Radiola Readrite Meter Works
Regal Electronics Corp. (Ultradyne) Realistic/Radio Shack
Remler Company Ltd. (Norco)
Renard Radio & TV Corp.
Reo - Philco
Republic Industries
Rexel Merchandise Co.
RGH Mfg. Co.
Robert - Lawrence Electronics Corp.
Rocke International Electric Corp. Rogers Majestic
* Schematics offered here are digitized in high resolution from early radio service series published from the late 1920's through 1963. I stock over 500,000 schematics for hundreds of manufacturers.
Each radio schematic is digitized individually and checked to provide the clearest diagram possible from the original printing.
Please Note: The data and files offered here are from vintage sources that are no longer published. There is no guarantee of the accuracy of any information offered. It is solely up to the
end user to decide that the information and files offered here are accurate and fit for use with their equipment. I am not responsible for any loss or damages that may be incurred from the
use of this information.
Disclaimer - We make no warranty of any kind with regard to the content or quality of these vintage manuals digitized from the original publications. The content is subject to change
without notice and we will not be responsible for any mistakes found in the manuals, publications, index, or files offered here. All the trademarks in
these documents and web site are registered by their respective owners. All the brand and product names are trademarks of their respective companies.