
Supreme Instruments Philosophy
(Reprinted from 1930 Supreme publications)
In the rapid development of radio, it is but natural that the attention of the industry has been centered
on sales promotion and the mass production of receiving sets, to meet the demand that the warranted
popularity of radio has created, but too little thought has, heretofore, been given to the equally
important factor of service.
The entire industry has come to recognize that, with the constantly expanding production of receiving
sets ever widening markets must be created, which can only be accomplished thru still further popularizing
radio. Unquestionably, this can best be attained through the enthusiastic satisfaction of present users,
which depends entirely upon obtaining for them the maximum and most pleasurable service from the sets
now in operation.

Supreme Service League
The future of the radio industry is, therefore, largely dependent upon the development of such radio
servicing as will guarantee such results to the radio public. Unless such results can be attained,
the full rewards cannot be realized from the engineering ingenuity and sales efforts employed in the
production and distribution of radio equipment. Obviously, the continued growth of the radio industry
will be largely controlled by the character of service rendered to the ultimate users of radio
It is the belief of the founders of the Supreme Instruments Corporation that, with the present tremendous
volume of radio distribution and its probable continued expansion, there is not only room for an
organization dealing exclusively with servicing, but that an organization for this purpose is absolutely
essential to the maximum development of radio potentialities.
In response to this need, this corporation is concentrating its efforts upon the production of such
equipment and apparatus as will facilitate the solution of practical radio servicing problems,
thereby contributing its full share to the growth of the radio industry. Its sole function is to
meet the needs of radio service. All the thought and attention of its capable engineering and
research departments are centered on this one problem and it is not surprising, therefore,
that its products have come to be universally recognized as affording the most practical and
convenient means of making those thorough and scientific analyses that form the basis of truly
efficient radio service.
Floyd Fausett - Associate Member,
Institute of Radio Engineers,
Supreme Instruments Corporation Greenwood Mississippi - 1930

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