Supreme Instruments Corp.
Greenwood Mississippi
Supreme Instruments Items Wanted
(Also Apparatus Design Company items)
I collect items manufactured by Supreme Instruments Corp., in Greenwood Mississippi. I am interested in test
equipment, catalogs, flyers, manuals, any sales or advertising items, vintage photos, or anything relating to Supreme Testing
Instruments from the 1920s, 1930s, and 1940s. View my Supreme Instruments Collection.
If you have any Supreme items that fall into these categories that you might want to sell, please
contact me. I can be reached by email using the address at the bottom of this page.
I prefer items that are in good condition for displaying, and equipment with all its original parts.
I will also (depending on model) purchase Supreme equipment that needs repair or that can be used for parts.
Generally Supreme equipment with model numbers below 500 are what I am most interested in however, some Supreme signal generators, oscilloscopes, and radio analyzers I am looking for may have higher model numbers
(mostly in the 500 range).
Some of the Supreme items and information I am looking for currently are listed below:
Supreme Bakelite Knobs for ¼" shaft. 1.5" in length.
This power cord for a supreme tester
(Light bulb not necessary)
Supreme Tube-O-Meter Any Condition
Supreme Model 391 P.A. Analyzer
Any Supreme Instruments Manuals, Catalogs, or Tube Tester Data Sheets
555 Diagnomoscope and the
545 Oscilloscope
I am also looking for any Supreme catalogs, flyers, signs, and advertising items and any
vintage photos of the Supreme manufacturing facilities in Greenwood Mississippi.
Also any items relating to the Apparatus Design Company of Little Rock Arkansas and Confidence tube testers.
Home Page
Supreme History
Tube Testers
Radio Diagnometers
Radio Analyzers
Supreme Parts
Manuals & Schematics
Items Wanted
Please Note:
The data and files contained here are from many vintage sources.
There is no guarantee of the accuracy of any information or files contained on these pages.
It is solely up to the end user to decide that the information and files contained
here are accurate and fit for use with their equipment.
I am not responsible for any loss or damages that may be incurred in any way from the use of any information contained on or downloaded from this web site.
This is a private collection.
This site is not affiliated in any way with Supreme Instruments Corp.,
Hickok-Supreme Inc., or Supreme Electronics of Greenwood Mississippi.
Copyright © 1995-2025 Steve Johnson, Elbridge NY, All rights reserved.