Welcome To Steve Johnson's Supreme Instruments Collection
This site contains photos of over 75 different Supreme models in my collection and various manuals, schematics, catalogs,
ads, history, and information about the tube testers, radio analyzers, meters, and other radio test equipment
manufactured by Supreme Instruments Corporation in Greenwood Mississippi.
I collect items mostly from Supreme's early years (1920's-1940's) although you will find items from the
1950's listed here also.
I also purchase Supreme related items and offer free downloads
of Supreme manuals, diagrams, schematics, and tube tester data sheets.
I would like to thank everyone that has sent me Supreme equipment and literature to post on this site as a resource for other test equipment collectors.

The Supreme 85C countertop tube tester above was designed to sit on a radio store's front
counter and allowed the customers to test their own tubes.

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Supreme items on this site:
Please note that Supreme Instruments manufactured many more models than are listed here.
The models on the following pages are the Supreme Instruments items in my collection.
- Portable Tube Testers & Analyzers
Instruments designed to test vacuum tubes and portable radio analyzers. Besides testing tubes, many of these models also contain multi-meters for measuring AC/DC volts, resistance and capacitance.
Models: 17, 19, 35 (early), 35, 45, 56, 85, 85C, 85PL, 89C, 89D, 89L, 90, 91, 100A, 333, 333 SA, 333D, 339 Standard, 339 Deluxe, 385, 400, 450, 500, 502, 504-A, 504-B, 540, 550, 589, 589-A, 592/593, 593, 599-A, 616, Military I-177 B.
- Radio Diagnometers
Diagnometers? Supreme used the term "Diagnometer" to describe its full function radio analyzers. These "Radio Diagnometers"
incorporated tube testers, oscillators (RF signal generators), volt meters, ohm meters, and condenser (capacitor) testers. These were marketed as every tester the radio service man needed in one portable unit for his service calls.
Models: 400A, 400B, 444, AAA-1, Standard Diagnometer, Master Diagnometer, 585 Deluxe.
- Bench Analyzers, Signal Generators, and Oscilloscopes
Mostly radio shop service bench equipment, here are some of Supreme's audio and radio bench signal analyzers, frequency
generators, and oscilloscopes.
Models 189, 189L, 520, 529, 535, 546, 549, 562, 563, 570, 575, 576, 581, 661, 666.
Multimeters - VOMs
Here are a few of the portable meters that Supreme manufactured in their 30 some years of production.
These are generally VOM meters (Volts, Ohms, and Milliamps). Models: 222, 490, 537, 542, 543, 547, 548, 549, 565, 592, 3117,
Supreme Minimeters 404, 420, 440, U.S. Military I-166, I-176, a prototype multimeter, and various panel meters.
Supreme Goes To War
Test equipment and meters Supreme manufactured for the military during and after World War II.
Models: I-166, I-176, I-177 and others.
The Supreme Instruments Soldering Iron
In 1937 Supreme designed the first soldering iron specifically for servicing radios.
Supreme Catalogs and Advertisements
This section lists some of my Supreme equipment catalogs, flyers, ads,
magazine articles, and other sales items I currently have in my collection.
Most can be viewed in their entirety on this site.
- Manuals, Tube Data, and Schematics
Here you will find over 100 files of Supreme operations manuals, schematics, and tube tester data sheets I have been able to acquire.
These manuals and schematics are listed by model number for free downloading. (Adobe pdf files) Enjoy!
Apparatus Design Company
When Supreme Instruments founder Jewell R. Williams left Supreme Instruments around 1929,
he started the Apparatus Design Company in Little Rock Arkansas and manufactured the "Confidence" and other model tube testers.
Models: Confidence Special, Confidence Automatic B, Confidence Model 36, Confidence Master, Confidence Royal, ABC Unameter and the Confidence Bridgohmeter.

Home Page
Supreme History
Tube Testers
Radio Diagnometers
Radio Analyzers
Supreme Parts
Manuals & Schematics
Items Wanted
Please Note:
The data and files contained here are from many vintage sources.
There is no guarantee of the accuracy of any information or files contained on these pages.
It is solely up to the end user to decide that the information and files contained
here are accurate and fit for use with their equipment.
I am not responsible for any loss or damages that may be incurred in any way from the use of any information contained on or downloaded from this web site.
The files, photos, and graphics contained on this web site may not be resold in any form. Direct linking to files hosted on this site is not allowed without written permission.
This is a private collection.
This site is not affiliated in any way with Supreme Instruments Corp.,
Hickok-Supreme Inc., or Supreme Electronics of Greenwood Mississippi.
Copyright © 1995-2025 Steve Johnson, Elbridge NY, All rights reserved.
