My collection of antique radios and vintage test equipment and electronics is constantly expanding.
This page is designed to give you a general description of the larger sections and help you navigate to the main pages of the categories listed below.
It by no means lists the 500+ pages and over 500,000 files and schematics available on my electronics related web sites, but you may use the site
search options below the search box to search by site, category, manufacture, or model number.
*** Please Note: Some sections have grown too large for my original
site and are now listed under their own domain names including:
Original Factory Service Manuals,
Supreme Test Instruments, and Links.
My Radio & Test Equipment Collections:
Antique and Vintage Phonographs and Record Players
My Vintage and Antique Test Equipment Collection (most popular section)
In recent years my interest in vintage test equipment has grown. My collection of antique radio test equipment has outdistanced my radio collection by leaps and bounds.
Most of this collection is from the early years of radio and my main interest is test equipment from the 1920's, 1930's, and 1940s.
Soldering Tools, Irons, and Guns
Tubes and Parts
Cardboard Calculators
Vintage Computers
Stereo 3D Viewers and Projectors
My Tools Items I use on the workbench, including my tool case, specialized hand tools, meters, etc.
Schematics I stock over 500,000 original factory service manuals and schematics for antique radios and vintage record players, record cutters, car radios, amplifiers and test equipment.
My library covers most major U.S. and Canadian brands from the 1920s through the 1960s.
The Electronics Workbench
Equipment Reviews On-line reviews of test equipment and tools
The Blog My blog of observations and comments about what's happening in my collection, and the electronics field both vintage and current.
Contests Electronics related contests I run.
Miscellaneous What doesn't fit anywhere else.
Pocket Protectors Embrace your inner Nerd.
List of Patent Dates by year.
Items Wanted Things I'm looking for currently.
Contact me
*** Links My links site:
Recent Additions and Major Updates:
As my collection grows, new pages, sites, and categories, are created and expanded.
Check here for pages I have added or expanded recently:
Links To My Related web Sites:
- I have around 500,000 service manuals and schematics for vintage radios, record players, amplifiers,
and test equipment in my current electronics library available for download.
- Original and downloadable Photofact Service Manuals.
- My collection of vintage test equipment manufactured by Supreme Instruments.
- My links site for information on collecting antique radios, test equipment, and vintage techonolgy.
- Facebook